Coun-ter Cul-ture Beauty- I'm currently obsessed with....
I’m Currently Obsessed With….

I am so ready for summer since the weather here in Atlanta shot from 50 degrees to 100 degrees in just two days flat. I’ve just about given up on the idea of spring so I might as well start prepping for summer right? One of the ways I’ve been prepping for summer is by taking a really intense boot camp 3x a week! I love getting in shape and scultping my body. One of the best motivators for getting that body ready for summer is an amazing swimsuit.
Lila Nikole makes some of the hottest suits in the biz! She is known for her sexy cuts, bold colors and gorgeous embellishments. I am sweating my bum off so I can flaunt my tight new body down Ocean Drive in one of Lila Nikole’s sexy swimsuits! See you at the beach Beautistas!

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